Director of Operations: Cynthia Massote
Design Coordinator: Délio Faleiro
Designer: Arthur Reis
Project Manager: Ricardo Lopes
Graphic Producer: Mirelle Bairral
The 4th International Education Seminar of Inhotim, held on September 13, 14, and 15, 2018, explored the power of individual actions to transform and inspire the collective. The seminar's identity was developed around this theme, recognizing the diversity, conflict, and synergy in interactions between individuals, society, and nature. It aimed to present optimistic perspectives for transforming individuals and their relationships with nature, showcasing examples and ideas that illustrate how people can be agents of change within their contexts. The concept, embodied in the title "Entre Sujeitos e Coletividades," inspired the graphic design, which is based on networks and connections, with a dynamic layout and vibrant gradient colors representing the seminar's diverse nature.